Alopecia is a type of hair loss that takes place when the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, the route of which all hair growth begins. The syndrome is typically not permanent. It is most common in people younger than 20, affecting men and women equally. If you’re reading this article, chances are you already have a few worries about your hair, or know someone who does.  If you are feeling down, defeated, alone or worried, we’re here to assure you that this battle does not need to be fought alone and you DO have options!

What Happens When You Get Alopecia?

Did you know there are seven different types of Alopecia? It’s important to diagnose exactly which type you may be dealing with before taking any steps towards regrowth. The majority of individuals diagnosed with Alopecia will begin to see hair regrowth within a year. That’s right; in all but about 10% of the cases, this is not a permanent condition (source). Due to the fact that in most cases the hair will grow back, you may decide not to treat your condition at all. However, we do suggest speaking with a member of our team to be sure that this is the cause of your recent hair loss and look into any options that may be available.

In very few cases, total loss of scalp and body hair can occur. The hair loss may come and go. Hair may fall out in one area and grow back in another. With patchy hair loss, the hair typically grows back in several months. While the regrowth is usually the same color and texture, it could grow back fine and white.

About 10% of people with this condition may never regrow hair. You are more likely to have permanent hair loss if you:

  • Have a family history of the condition.
  • Have the condition at a young age (before puberty) or for longer than 1 year.
  • Have another autoimmune disease.
  • Are prone to allergies (atopy).
  • Have extensive hair loss.
  • Have abnormal color, shape, texture, or thickness of the fingernails or toenails.

How Can Alopecia Be Diagnosed?

Alopecia is diagnosed through a medical history as well as physical examination. Our friendly doctors will ask you some simple questions regarding your hair loss, evaluate the patterns you may be having and examine your scalp. If the reason for your hair loss is not quickly determined, you should move forward with a small test to check for any diseases that could be causing this loss. These tests include:

Hair Analysis. A doctor will take a sample of your hair and examine it under a microscope. A scalp sample is also sometimes taken. Blood tests, including testing for a specific condition, such as an overactive or under active thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).

Will Alopecia Negatively Impact My Life?

Kayla Martell - Alopecia SuffererFormer Miss America Finalist, Kayla Martell, lost her hair at age 11 due to Alopecia. Alopecia Areata does not affect the body in the same way that many conditions do. Although it is painless and cannot be transmitted to another person, hair loss affects everyone differently and can carry a heavy emotional burden. If you’re feeling like you’ve lost your confidence and are better off hiding from the outside world, you’re not alone.

We were privileged to have Kayla as a keynote speaker at a women’s hair loss forum hosted at our Middlebury location. “So many celebrities will admit to adding hair extensions or wearing a wig to protect their own hair, but few will address the real issue of hair loss. Women often contact me asking what I did and where can they find help,” Martell said. “That’s why I’m committed to touring the US, contributing to these hair loss seminars to educate women on the causes of hair loss and what options are now available to them,” said Martell, former Miss Delaware. There is a network of societies and support groups available for any individuals suffering from the mental battle with Alopecia. Dealing with any form of change to your body can be difficult. Don’t hesitate to contact our staff, as we would love to guide you in the right direction for treatment.

InVisions Hair| Connecticut Alopecia Solutions

At InVisions of Connecticut we are very proud to provide women with the latest advances in women’s non-surgical hair replacement technology and clinically proven hair loss prevention and treatment solutions.

InVisions of Connecticut is a recognized leader in multi-therapeutic hair loss treatments, hair restoration and hair replacement for men and women suffering from Alopecia, balding and thinning hair.

Get Answers Today

Whether you are experiencing thinning hair and want to stop your hair loss, or want more hair, we provide the most advanced non-surgical hair replacement and non-surgical hair restoration solutions in Connecticut for men and women of all ages and hair types. 

CAN’T WAIT? Call (800) 842-4247 Now!