It doesn’t matter what your age is, having a healthy head of hair is key to feeling your best. When you begin to notice more strands of hair in your shower or on your pillow you might start to feel concerned.

While having changes in your hair may cause you to feel more anxious or become emotional, you might just need a little more care. There are some home remedies that you can use to rejuvenate your hair and get back your self-confidence. Like many hair care processes, it can take a little time so be patient with yourself when following these tips and you can give your hair the nourishment it needs to once again be strong.

Boost Your Diet

Proper nutrition is vital for our bodies and that goes for our hair as well. Be sure to eat foods that are rich in B vitamins, iron, and folic acids. You also want to eat food that contains lots of protein as it is an essential nutrient that helps keeps your skin, nails, and hair looking their best. Eggs, lean meats, nuts, and fish can also be beneficial too.

Scalp Massages

Not only can a simple scalp massage help relax you, but it can also stimulate your hair follicles. You can add this easy to do treatment into your shower routine. Simply take time to massage your scalp for five to ten minutes. You can give the treatment a boost by adding two tablespoons of sesame oil and rub it into your scalp. Just massage, rinse and your scalp with thank you.

Aloe Vera

If you don’t have an aloe plant in your home, you might want to pick one up to do this trick. Clip one of its leaves and apply the gel directly to your scalp. Let it sit until you start to feel a tingling sensation then hop into the shower to rinse it off. If you don’t have an aloe plant you can also use a natural aloe vera gel from the store that works the same way.

Green Tea Rinse

Green tea is full on antioxidants and that gives your body a real immunity boost. This magic liquid is also great at strengthening your hair. Just brew a cup of green tea and let it cool. Them either in the shower or just over the sink, carefully rinse your hair with the tea. Wait about an hour and rinse the tea out.


Biotin or vitamin B7 is a key nutrient to keep your hair, skin, and nails healthy. By taking a multivitamin as part of your daily routine, this powerful nutrient will add a little extra care to your hair and give it added strength.

Get Answers Today

Whether you are experiencing thinning hair and want to stop your hair loss, or want more hair, we provide the most advanced non-surgical hair replacement and non-surgical hair restoration solutions in Connecticut for men and women of all ages and hair types. 

CAN’T WAIT? Call (800) 842-4247 Now!