Hair loss affects everybody differently. For some, it may be at an early age while others older, it may range from light thinning all the way to full hair loss. Looking for the good news? You’re not alone! According to the American Hair Loss Association, two-thirds of men will begin to see their locks lose some of their luster by age 35. Once the big 5-0 rolls around, about 85 percent of men will have experienced a significant amount of thinning. Men of all size, color, shape, and stature suffer confidence loss, physical insecurities, depression symptoms, and a variety of other lackluster emotions regarding their depleting hair. While you may be thinking, “why me?” or “I’ll never be able to be considered for (x) because of my hair loss”, it’s important that you know not everybody on the other side of that TV screen has always had the “perfect” hair they seem how have now. Hair replacement and restoration is not only present in your average person but celebrities as well! Below you will find 3 celebrities that have thickened their locks with hair transplant or restoration services.

Louis Walsh

Walsh, most commonly known for his mega-role on the British hit televisions show, The X Factor, is known to have undergone a “style overhaul” in 2011 when his famous co-star Simon Cowell encouraged him to pursue hair restoration options. Although we wish Louis had made the trip across the pond to visit our Invisions team, we think it came out pretty well! Here’s what he had to say: “I wanted to get the problem solved before it became a problem. It’s like going to the doctor and getting something done for your heart before it goes. It’s called maintenance. It’s not a wig or syrup or an Irish jig. It’s just me, with my own hair, feeling better.”(Source)

Our favorite part of Louis’ story? Early detection!

Wayne Rooney

Wayne Rooney, an English superstar in the football world is another one who not only underwent a form of hair loss treatment but also came out and made an upfront statement announcing to everyone the procedure he had undergone. Don’t let male pattern baldness and other forms of hair loss embarrass you. It happens to the best! Looking good Wayne!

Jeremy Piven

Jeremy Piven may look familiar from a number of flicks from Old School to Liar Liar, to his most well-known role as Ari Gold on the hit show Entourage. While we enjoy Jeremy as an actor, we’re even fonder of his much-improved hairline! Jeremy’s “before” image shows a hair loss pattern we see come through our doors quite frequently! This pattern is that of hair growing thicker and healthier on the sides and back of the scalp, while thinning from the forehead, back. Luckily, our team of experts specializes in working with clients to get your hair to the place you’ve been dreaming of, with the styles you’ve always wanted! Remember, the sooner you take on the issue, the faster we can resolve it! Give us a call today to discuss some options!

Hair Loss Happens!

As you can see, hair loss happens even to the most famous! We may sound like a broken record but we truly mean it when we say there is nothing to be ashamed of. Hair loss, thinning hair and bald spots can really pull at a persons emotional strings and it’s our goal to reverse those feelings and bring back your confidence! 

Connecticut Hair Loss Solutions | Invisions of Connecticut

Finding the right men’s hair restoration or hair loss treatment solution can be one of the most important decisions of your life. At Invisions of Connecticut, we offer a full range of all proven men’s hair restoration and hair loss solutions for men experiencing hair loss and thinning hair. Our custom non-surgical hair replacement solutions combine the latest in hair restoration technology and artistry, resulting in a totally natural look and feel to restore not only your hair, but also your life and style.

Get Answers Today

Whether you are experiencing thinning hair and want to stop your hair loss, or want more hair, we provide the most advanced non-surgical hair replacement and non-surgical hair restoration solutions in Connecticut for men and women of all ages and hair types. 

CAN’T WAIT? Call (800) 842-4247 Now!