swimmingAlopecia is a type of hair loss that takes place when the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles. It’s most common in people under the age of 20, and is equally common in both genders. Are you suffering from Alopecia? Don’t worry, it’s temporary in 90% of cases. In the mean time, though, here are the best treatments to take care of your Alopecia.

Natural Remedies

Before you invest in any sort of prescription treatments, it’s a good idea to take advantage of any possible natural treatments. Not only will this approach save you money, but it keeps you from putting unnecessary medications into your body.

Onion Juice

One of the most effective natural remedies to Alopecia is onion juice. First, extract the juice from the onion, then apply if to your scalp twice a day. Application of onion juice can accelerate hair regrowth after just two weeks!

Essential Oils

Essential oils such as carrier and cedarwood can also have a positive effect on Alopecia. Apply these oils to your scalp and massage them in at least once a day. Although the effects are slower than with onion juice, they are effective in stimulating hair regrowth.

Stress Reduction

Stress has been linked to Alopecia. It can have negative impacts on your immune system and trigger the disease. Reducing your stress might help hair regrowth. Additionally, reducing stress can help with all sorts of health problems!

Medication and Prescription Treatments

Although natural remedies often give you the results you’re looking for, in some cases they’re not enough. When you visit the dermatologist, there are a wide variety of medications and treatments that might be prescribed. These treatments seek to block the immune system and/or stimulate hair regrowth. It’s important to know that many of the prescribed drugs are not approved by the FDA specifically for hair loss, but are approved for other related diseases.


These work to suppress the immune system. Corticosteroids can take the form of shots, topical treatments (cream, lotion, or ointment), or pills. The shots are the most common, and are given every three to six weeks, with hair growth typically beginning about four weeks after the last shot. The pills often have serious side effects, and for this reason they are only prescribed in more severe cases.


This is a type of hair growth medicine in the form of a cream. The cream is applied twice a day to bald spots and new hair typically starts to grow in about three months. Minoxidil is usually accompanied with another form of treatment. 


This tar-like substance works to alter the skin’s immune system. It is applied to the skin, left on for 20-60 minutes, then washed off.

Diphencyprone (DPCP)

This topical treatment is applied to bald skin and works by triggering an allergic reaction. The reaction can create redness, swelling, and itching, and tricks the immune system, causing white blood cells to move to the surface of the scalp. These white blood cells can prevent hair follicles from going to sleep. This treatment can take three months for regrowth.


In this treatment, psoralen, a compound used to treat skin problems like psoriasis and eczema, is applied, followed by UVA lights. This treatment is a safe alternative to people who do not want certain chemicals in their bodies.


Many of these treatments are effective in treating Alopecia. However, it’s important to note that these treatments are most effective when used in combination with one another. For example, it’s typically a good idea to combine one immune system-tricking drug with a growth-stimulating drug.

Other Options

In some cases, you might not get the results you want from any of these treatments. Or maybe you don’t want to go through any of the effort. Wigs, scarves, and other mechanisms to cover your head might be a better option for you. You can also consider hair restoration. These services often provide the results you’re looking for, giving you a full head of hair and the confidence that comes with it.

Get Answers Today

Whether you are experiencing thinning hair and want to stop your hair loss, or want more hair, we provide the most advanced non-surgical hair replacement and non-surgical hair restoration solutions in Connecticut for men and women of all ages and hair types. 

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