Trichotillomania Awareness WeekTrichotillomania Awareness

If you didn’t know, October 1-7 is Trichotillomania Awareness Week. The Trichotillomania Learning Center is an organization that’s main focus and goal is to bring attention to hair pulling and skin picking disorders to everyone who will listen to help show that those who suffer from them are not alone and that there are places to go to seek help.

Trichotillomania is classified as an obsessive-compulsive RELATED disorder that varies in severity depending on the individual. “Trich” is classified as an obsessive compulsive disorder which causes the sufferer to pull out their hair, resulting in noticeable bald patches. Contributing factors to this hair pulling disorder can include stress, habit, a sense of pleasure or relief, or a way to cope. This disorder isn’t just related to adults but can start in children before the age of 10.

For some, the condition is mild enough where just the knowledge of doing it is enough to stop. They just have to think about it more, so they don’t do it. But for many, that’s not the case. They need therapy and counseling to help overcome the need to pick their hair out. There are many psychotherapists around who are well trained in this type of therapy. TLC actually has many resources like doctors to go to and places where you can find to help with the hair restoration process.

Invisions Connecticut Hair Restoration Center is a safe place to go to if you suffer from Trichotillomania. Our trained hair loss professionals are so eager to help you and restore your hair back to what it was. This condition can just be a thing from the past that you won’t have to worry about again. If you’re suffering from any other hair loss condition, Invisions of Connecticut is a place that can take care of you. We offer a variety of hair loss solutions for men, women, and children as well as a complimentary, private hair loss consultation.  We invite you to contact us today to schedule your own private consultation.

Get Answers Today

Whether you are experiencing thinning hair and want to stop your hair loss, or want more hair, we provide the most advanced non-surgical hair replacement and non-surgical hair restoration solutions in Connecticut for men and women of all ages and hair types. 

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