Women’s Hair Replacement Photo Gallery

Totally Undetectable Hair Restoration Solutions

Women’s Hair Replacement

Non-Surgical Hair Replacement for women

Cameron – Female Pattern Baldness

“I got really worried about my hair loss when I was going to be going to college”

Cameron’s Story

My hair started to thin when I was in high school. It bothered me but I wasn’t ready to do anything about it yet. I got really worried about my hair loss when I was going to be going to college. I wasn’t ready in high school because I thought if I showed up and suddenly had hair people would notice, but when I was going off to college for the first time nobody would know what my hair looked like before.

I used to try and sit in the back of my classes so people weren’t looking at the back of my head. Now in college that isn’t an issue any more for me. I am really into volleyball and play it a lot. My hair is very secure and I can put it up and not worry about it. I now play volleyball, go to the gym, and go swimming. My hair is very natural and allows me to do everything I did before only with more self-confidence.