Women’s Hair Replacement Photo Gallery

Totally Undetectable Hair Restoration Solutions

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Women’s Hair Replacement

Non-Surgical Hair Replacement for Women

Rhonda – Female Pattern Baldness

“I deserve to feel good about myself”

Rhonda’s Story

When I stated menopause that is when I really noticed my hair was getting thinner and thinner. I had to strategically locate all the hair on my head, spray it and pray that we didn’t have any inclement weather.

Because I was in the working field and I worked in a business where there was over 400 people. I was very self-conscious of my hair loss. I got to a point that I wanted to do something, but I had to convince myself that I was worth the investment and I felt that I am. I deserve to feel good about myself.

I ride a motorcycle, I even bought myself a convertible. I know have lots of confidence and feel good about myself.

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